Viewers Photos!!

Send me your favorite TV/Radio related photos, and I'll post them here!!

Attach the photos "jpeg please" to an e mail or mail the photos to me. If you want the photos returned, please include a SASE.
Please downsize the photos to a file no larger than 200K
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Mike Clark with an early GE Color Camera. Taken in 1969.
Note how simular this GE design is to the RCA TK-40 and 41A

Todd De Bonis on a remote for WTVT-TV with a Norelco PC-70
Taken 1974

Bob West at WTVT-TV
sitting next to a RCA TK-11
Taken 1962

I want to thank Mike Clark of Los Angeles for sending me these photos!
Please excuse the quality of these photos. My scanner had problems with the images.

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Last modified on Friday, February 18, 2000